Lehmann Family | Roswell Family Photographer
The weekend I was scheduled to take this families pictures the weather kept doing this dance of being sunny on minute, then rainy the next! The forecast the night before said it wasn't going to rain the morning of our session so we decided to head out. Of course that morning, the sky decided to do a different dance! We headed out anyway and thankfully the rain stopped while we were out shooting! We all really loved the overcast, foggy morning, and the look it gave to the photos! Reminded all of us of Scotland.
You'll see that we were on the go a lot this session. When I am a shooting session with toddlers that is usually the case. I just go with it though and try to catch all their fast and happy faces!! If there is one thing I can tell parents of toddlers, is that I don't expect them to sit still at the session. Yes we will try to get that "Christmas Card shot" but sometimes it doesn't happen. What does happen with child led sessions, is a lot of images of happy faces that capture your child's personality.