Christmas Tree Decorating | Woodstock Documentary Photographer
Hello there!! I have been so busy with a super fun & exciting client project that I haven't even had a chance to work any of my personal family documentary pictures & projects. It seems I have skipped posting a few of my most recent session on the blog as well...oops!! Look for some new content coming this week!
We went out the Saturday after Thanksgiving to Bottom's Christmas Tree Farm in Cumming, GA to cut down our Christmas tree for the season. I shared a couple of my favorite pictures from our adventure over on Instagram. We found a 7 foot beauty of a pine tree, cut it down, loaded up on the roof rack, and hauled her home. She fit perfectly in her spot in the foyer, and was ready to decorate the next day.
This is Conor's second Christmas, he is now 22 months old, so Christmas has been a little more exciting for him than last year. I love watching his face light up when we turn on the lights, he was so curious about all the ornaments and eager to help. Helping is kind of his thing these days. We were careful to pull out all the breakables and put them out of his reach. Which might have made for a lopsided tree, but it's our tree and it's a definite reflection of this season of our lives, and who we are. Down to the stack of wrapped presents fenced off by baby gates, and the fact we are decorating our tree in Halloween pajamas.